by Lisa Alonge | Nov 6, 2020 | 2-3 Miles, 4-5 Miles, Family, History, Nature, Sand Creek, Sand Creek Segments, Urban
Hiking the Sand Creek Greenway If you want to hike the Sand Creek Greenway Regional Trail, you can hike it any way you want. Hike it all at once, in 2 or 4 segments, or a little bit at a time. It covers just more than 14 miles along trails from Aurora to Commerce City...
by Lisa Alonge | Nov 6, 2020 | 2-3 Miles, 4-5 Miles, 6+ Miles, Denver Trails, Family, History, Nature, Sand Creek, Sand Creek Segments, Urban
How to Hike the Sand Creek Greenway From the sprawling soccer fields in Aurora to the confluence of the Platte River and the Sand Creek, you’ll pass by two nature centers, an old runway, historic Danish pig farms, metro Denver’s storm water runoff treatment plant, and...
by Lisa Alonge | Nov 6, 2020 | Sand Creek Segments
Sand Creek Greenway Segment 4 Leaving the Wetland Park trailhead, you will meander along Sand Creek right next to I270, but you would never know it. You will see some interesting flood control infrastructure, pass by the historic Danish pig farm lots, pass the...
by Lisa Alonge | Nov 6, 2020 | Sand Creek Segments
Sand Creek Greenway Segment 3 At Bluff Lake Nature Center, the Sand Creek Regional Greenway technically follows alongside Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd. You may prefer to walk through the Bluff Lake Nature Center and then, pick up the trail at the north end of the...
by Lisa Alonge | Nov 6, 2020 | Sand Creek Segments
Sand Creek Greenway Segment 2 Segment 2 of the Sand Creek Trail starts at Star K Ranch, Morrison Nature Center. Here, you can often catch herds of whitetail and mule deer hanging out in the thickets and the cottonwoods along Sand Creek. As you work your way west out...