A Review of Remote Denver Walk

A Review of Remote Denver Walk

What Is Remote Denver? You may have seen the ads for Remote Denver. This production put on by Denver Center for the Performing Arts promises a surreal, immersion experience as you walk in a group through downtown Denver. It’s exactly that. What Does that Mean?...
Urban Hiking and Your 5 Senses

Urban Hiking and Your 5 Senses

Urban Hiking Wakes Up the 5 Senses Research shows that walking activates your entire body. But throw in a bit of urban hiking, and your senses hyper activate, becoming aware of your surroundings intensely. On an urban hike, you might smell fresh coffee roasting at the...
Walking in Denver Leads to Walking Vacations

Walking in Denver Leads to Walking Vacations

Why Do I Walk So Much? You’ve seen me post all about my walking and urban hiking around Denver. I’ve posted short hikes, long walks, medium ambles. By the way, take a look at those weekly Denver suggestions right here! I walk usually at least 10000 steps a...