Drive and Walk Lariat Loop Back in the 1920s when the City of Denver was on a buying spree to buy land in the mountains for its residents, it was also building a road to connect the residents to the new Denver Mountain Parks. This twisty, hairpin-turny, ribbon of...
What Is Remote Denver? You may have seen the ads for Remote Denver. This production put on by Denver Center for the Performing Arts promises a surreal, immersion experience as you walk in a group through downtown Denver. It’s exactly that. What Does that Mean?...
Urban Hiking Wakes Up the 5 Senses Research shows that walking activates your entire body. But throw in a bit of urban hiking, and your senses hyper activate, becoming aware of your surroundings intensely. On an urban hike, you might smell fresh coffee roasting at the...
Why Do I Walk So Much? You’ve seen me post all about my walking and urban hiking around Denver. I’ve posted short hikes, long walks, medium ambles. By the way, take a look at those weekly Denver suggestions right here! I walk usually at least 10000 steps a...
How to Get Ready for a Walk Getting ready to walk takes just a few minutes to think through a few things. I take about 5 minutes to walk through the thought process below, and when I’m done, I’m ready to walk. The first thing I check is the weather. In...
The 5280 Loop is an urban hiking loop within Denver’s city limits that measures 5.280 miles. It’s also a marketing idea put together by the Downtown Denver Partnership to develop a walking/biking path around the city, to link neighborhoods and to connect...
You may find links to places where you can buy things that I suggest. In some cases, I get a small payment, if you purchase something, which underwrites this blog. Thank you.