Walking Movies that Inspire

Whether a pilgrim, a hiker, or a neighborhood walker, it’s fun to think about doing a long-distance walk where we can clear our minds and reinvent our attitudes. Here are 5 of the best walking movies to inspire you to get out and walk, even if it’s just to the post office box and back.

SouthBounders was the first one that ever inspired me to take off on the Appalachian Trail. At the time, I thought the AT was for a bunch of crazy folks–why would you want to take off in the woods?

The Way reminds me that at times in our lives, we may just be pissed off and need to refocus. I’ve been there a few times.

I love Wild, not because the book by Cheryl Strayed was also excellent, but rather it makes me think that even when the worst happens, there’s always a way through to a solution.

Tell It on the Mountain points out to me that sometimes we can get too comfortable, and often we just have to acknowledge that our backpack of life may be too fat and it’s time to skinny down to the necessities.

When I get mad at my mom, Life in a Walk always brings me back to the importance of family.

What’s your favorite walking movie? Post it below!