The Best Hat Ever

product review wallarooWallaroo Hats has made the best hat ever for active women with pony tail hair. I have worn my Wallaroo around the world while hiking and walking the world’s adventures. Here’s my product review of the Wallaroo Reversible Resort hat.

Thick Hair Matters

I think I have the thickest hair ever put on a woman’s head. I’m the female link between gorilla and woman. When I put my hair in a pony tail, I can barely twist the pony tail holder more than two times. Thus, when I look for hats to fit my head, they either are too small in the band to get around my gargantuan head, or they are so hot my head sweats like the seven seas. I find that baseball hats accommodate my thick hair, but even the cute girly ones don’t supply enough shade or fashion for my face.


I moaned my problems for years, then my husband solved them with a birthday gift 4 years ago, my Wallaroo Reversible Resort Hat. In a cute brown with pink trim, this 3 1/4 inch brimmed hat not only shades my face but offers a secret getaway for my giant pony tail. I love this hat.


product review wallarooComfortable, adjustable, and perfect, this hat fits any head size. It also crumbles up into a small size to squeeze into pockets or backpacks. It washes beautifully. The best part about the hat, aside from the hidey hole for my hair, is the rim adjusts to all the way up, slightly up, out, and down. By slightly bending the rim, you can get it to shield your eyes in any sun position. I simply love this hat.


Boo hoo and big sobs of alligator tears, Wallaroo no longer makes this hat. After sending them the biggest sob letter you could ever imagine when I discovered the hat had been discontinued, I received the most wonderful email of the best customer service ever.


First, they let me know they had a few left in discontinued inventory, and they would send me two of the remainders. Then, they let me know they have created a replacement for the hat! Said their wonderful customer service folks, “The most comparable hat we currently make would be the Casual Traveler hat ( since they are both 100% Microfiber hats with a brim that can be turned up like the pictures show, or down like the Reversible Resort image shows.  The Casual Traveler hat has a slightly larger brim at 4″ instead of the 3-1/4″ brim on the Reversible Resort.” Sadly, though, it doesn’t have the secret pony tail escape valve, but the new hat does come in much cuter colors!

Tweet, Write, Buy!

20150622_101902Thus, my agenda here is two-fold. 1) Wallaroo makes great products and has super customer service. 2) If you’d like them to bring back the Wallaroo Reversible Resort Hat (see pics above), please contact them at, on Facebook, at or on Twitter. If my hat were still available, I would give Wallaroo an A++ for my product review of the Wallaroo Hats. Since it’s not but the service and products are still fabulous, I give it a B-.