A River Runs through It…Globeville

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In Denver, Globeville is known for many things; and many neighborhoods may not brag about them. But on this walk through this crossroad-ed neighborhood, you’ll found nothing but fun, unique, interesting ways to view Globeville as an urban hiking adventure. Take a look. Globeville’s unique community has something to say and to share.

Let’s Start with the Platte River Trail

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You’ll start your walk in Heron Pond Park abutting Northside Park, now called Carpio Sanguinette, which was Denver’s original wastewater processing plant. Heron Park’s artwork made from the old Stapleton airport’s runways and paying tribute to Amelia Earhart will open up your curiosity about a neighborhood most Denverites have never visited. The inquisitiveness will carry through the old pipes and tanks of the water processing site, down to the Platte River, passing sheep pens and old cattle bridges.

In Carpio Sanguinette Park, named after the Carpio and Sanguinette families (the former, a City Councilperson who improved communication between the City and minority communities and the latter, a farmer from the 1870s who convinced the City to stop allowing pig waste into the river), you’ll find award winning landscaping and reuse of the stormwater treatment plant infrastructure. You’ll also find inspiring art from Tony Ortega, who also did the tile mosaic off Lakewood Gulch.

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And then Pass into the Neighborhood

Positioned in Globeville’s center is what Denver once called the mousetrap–otherwise known as the intersection of I70 and I25. Also running through the neighborhood is train track after train track crossing or paralleling the Platte River. The major garbage processors are here, as is a history of animal butchery and processing. Yet despite all of this industry and transportation, a wonderful neighborhood of mostly shot-gun houses and family-owned businesses continues to live and demand the community remain whole.

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The neighborhood is giving battling and surviving the I25 expansion, finding ways to connect despite the disconnection the construction brings to the neighborhood.

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Soon, you’ll find yourselves in the residential area of Globeville, walking the same sidewalks children walk to get from their homes, under I70, and to their schools. Murals welcome you to the neighborhood, as will many residents. Their homes have survived the test of time, many originally owned by the immigrants who came to the neighborhood at the turn of the 21st century to work in the old Globe Smelter Company (Anarsco). They have also survived Superfund sites, interstate construction and brownfields.

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Listen to Globeville

Globeville has received many “most” designations over time. There are plenty of pages of ink written about these mosts. But the “most” that Globeville truly deserves is “Most Interesting.” A spirit of community, can-do, and we’ll overcome permeates the neighborhood, holding together its unique attributes and interesting architecture.

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While the City attempts to encroach on Globeville, expand the Western Rodeo Complex, and rename Globeville’s southern part as RiNo, Globeville’s an interesting place to walk with one of the best parks along the Platte River, Globeville Landing, crowning the neighborhood.

The route (click for interactive route):

Please note that with the construction going on in Globeville for the I25 expansion, this route may alter dramatically due to detours. Use it as a guideline for seeing Globeville, not as an actual guided tour to follow.

Park near the National Armory at 5275 Franklin Street. Go to the end of the cul-de-sac and walk to the right into Heron Park. Enjoy the wall sculpture made out of Stapleton runway materials and giving tribute to Amelia Earhart.

When you’re ready, walk south through Northside Park past the remaining concrete structures and then onto the Platte River Trail. Continue southwesterly.

You’ll pass the bridge that used to move cattle from the Western Rodeo complex to butchers and transportation options on the east side of the river. Just past the bridge on the right next to the pile of appliance trash is a single-story building with an angled roof. There is a one-foot wide open area above the brick wall you can peer into. This is where the sheep pens are.

Continue down the Platte River Trail until you reach McDonald’s on the right. Take the ramp or the social trail up into the parking lot, and cross Washington to the west. You will be on E 45th Avenue.

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Walk along 45th, which is the commercial area of the neighborhood. Take a right on Lincoln, noticing the school to the south. See the two murals up against I70. Walk under I70.

When you are on the north side of I70, be sure to turn around and notice the two additional murals. Continue north on Lincoln through the neighborhood.

Cross over the railroad tracks, being careful to not get hit! There are no crossing guards or signs! Take a right on E 49th, take a left on Sherman St, take a right on E 50th St, take a left on Grant St. Notice the hope house (a house where they built the basement and “hoped” to build an additional story in the future) on the corner of Grant and 51st.

Take a right on 51st. Continue down 51st to Washington. Before crossing Washington, look to the south to see if the fruit stand is set up in the Guzman Tire tire. If so, be sure to buy a $5 bag of the best pecans you’ll ever eat. Cross Washington to the east, dipping south just a titch to where E 51st St continue.

Continue along 51st. It will dead end into Northside Park/Carpio Sanguinette. Notice the additional artwork on the concrete remnants of the wastewater plant. Continue across the grass and paths back to the cul-de-sac where you started your urban hike through Globeville.

Denver’s Most Interesting Neighborhood and Supporting Denver By Foot

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