Enjoying a Hike on the Cherry Creek Trail via the 9 Creeks Loop, Segment 7

The 9 Creeks Loop is a 42-mile hike that physically circles the city of Denver on trail. It uses a combination of 4 regional trails to lap the city. I have broken the 42 miles into 8 easy ~5 mile segment that are flat, have easy to find trailheads and trailends, and all can be walked in any direction. Transit is mostly available to the trailheads, although you may need to be a bit creative. When I walk the loop, I often will take a Lyft. You can certainly walk the segments as out-n-backs as well.

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9 Creeks Loop Segment 7 Miles 30-35 New Trail, New Creeks

Trailhead: Garland Park (6300 E Mississippi Ave, Denver, CO 80224)

Trailend: Sunken Gardens Park (1099 Speer Blvd., Denver, CO 80204)

Highlights: 4-mile House, Sister CityParks, Cherry Creek Mall

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If you’re a fan of the Cherry Creek area, you’ll love this segment of the trail. Taking you from the golf course to the mall to the industrial area and out, you’ll experience Cherry Creek from a pedestrian view–one that many don’t get a chance to enjoy.

You’ll Be on the Creek the Entire Time

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Jump back on the trail from Garland Park and head to the right, or north. You’ll still be walking along the creek. Shortly you’ll pass 4 Mile Park, a historical property that recreates life on the prairie in the 1800s. Imagine yourself homesteading and farming as you continue north along Cherry Creek. Here the bicycles pick up pretty quickly, so stay to the right of the trail along the dirt path paralleling the trail.

Many Sister City Parks Entertain You

The Creek remains on your left while multi-floor business buildings decorate the road to the right. Smaller parks sneak their way in between the buildings, offering some respite and bathrooms. Soon, high-rise residences begin to appear, and you’ll stumble upon the City of Takayama Park, a Denver sister city. The City of Takayama Park, the second park in Denver’s Sister Cities program, honors the beauty and relationship between the two cities which share commonalities in mountains, rivers, hot springs and industry. The park houses beautiful bonsai trees and respite from the business of the Cherry Creek Trail.

Choke Cherries Make Great Jelly

Continue along Cherry Creek Trail, named after the choke cherries along its bank, and you’ll come across the next Denver Sister City, The City of Karmiel Park. Sharing a love for community, these two cities have developed their relationship through live readings about the Holocaust, sharing textbooks and musical instruments, and inviting students to visit. This 4th Sister City continues to bring love and kindness through a variety of global events each year.

Stop and Go Shopping?

Not long, you’ll come to the Cherry Creek Mall. Denver’s posh shopping district attracts regionally from around the west. The Trail actually diverts from the Mall and goes across the Creek through some wonderful views. It seems that bikers take this Trail and walkers stay up along the Mall. But the Trail officially goes across the Creek; take the path that is most comfortable to you.

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After you get past Cherry Creek Mall, the trail continues west along 1st Ave. Rather than walking on the very narrow multi-use path along Denver Country Club, you may want to cross 1st Ave and head up to 4th Ave. Go west through the neighborhood along 4th until you reach Corona St. Head south on Corona, crossing 1st and jump back on the Cherry Creek Trail. Walk to 8th Avenue, where you’ll exit the trail to enter Sunken Gardens park just to the west of the trail where you parked.

Walking the 9 Creeks Loop and Denver By Foot

You can find more information about the 9 Creeks Loop here.

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